Snake way dragon ball z song
Snake way dragon ball z song

Yamcha quips that Chiaotzu was the fastest of the four. They too are allowed to travel down Snake Way to seek out King Kai's training, and King Kai notes that they reached him faster than Goku did, since they had become much stronger than Goku was while fighting Raditz. Approximately eighty-eight days later, after his training, Goku travels back down Snake Way again, this time flying across in one day.ĭuring the duel with the Saiyans, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, and Piccolo are slain.

snake way dragon ball z song

Goku is eventually forced to crawl his way across Snake Way until he finally reaches the end. Princess Snake turns into her true, giant serpent form and tries to devour Goku, but Goku outsmarts her and continues on his way. Things turn sour when Goku insists on leaving. Though Goku realizes his mistake, he is persuaded to stay. Later on, Goku comes across Princess Snake's palace, mistaking it to be King Kai's home. A piece of stamina-enhancing fruit Goku sneaks away from Hell helps him reach the point he fell off quickly, however. He is only able to make his way back up after competing with two bored and overworked ogres, though he is forced to start from the beginning of Snake Way again. During the ride, Goku falls asleep, and the cleaner accidentally jerks his truck, causing Goku to fall off Snake Way and into Hell. Later, when Goku's fatigue catches up again, he hitches a ride on the cleaner's truck when the cleaner tells him that he is only a quarter of the way to King Kai's planet after running for several months.

snake way dragon ball z song

At one point, Goku tries to jump across Snake Way's many curves, and almost falls into the clouds below, where shadowy hands reach out to him to pull him into Hell.

snake way dragon ball z song

Goku is permitted to travel along Snake Way to seek out King Kai and receive his training in order to prepare for the arrival of Raditz's comrades, Nappa and Vegeta. In the anime, it is also the home of Princess Snake, a filler character who falls in love with Goku and tries to stop him from leaving her palace. If one were to fall off Snake Way, they would pass through a thin layer of clouds (it is revealed early on that the clouds are actually edible and are quite tasty) and then fall into Hell. Because of its length, it took Goku 177 days to reach the end (due to King Kai saying that the Saiyans would arrive in 158 days, and it took them eleven months total).

Snake way dragon ball z song