Christian movies coming out in may 2018
Christian movies coming out in may 2018christian movies coming out in may 2018

Are you willing to fight for your marriage? Do you know how to fight? Prayer. Did you know Satan is trying to destroy your marriage? He is the real enemy, not your spouse. He loves when we are bitter and fighting. He is actively working to make each of us unhappy. We have to look to God for healing in our marriages because Satan is not just standing by. The real message: My contentment doesn’t come from my marriage. Regret leads to anger or worse… distance. We try not to argue in front of the kids, but there are times we find ourselves caught off guard and something slips in anger. A few times I cringed as words flew between the two on screen, all while their young daughter sat watching them. You feel the tension between Elizabeth and Tony.


This movie doesn’t sugar coat or hide the truth. I left the movie theater wishing I had a Clara in my life and you will too.

christian movies coming out in may 2018

She kept the laughs coming and brought just the right amount of lightness to the film while showing you can be funny and still walk firmly in your faith. Sometimes we need someone to wake us up from the insanity of doing the same thing over and over.Ĭlara filled the role of a wise, slightly crazy older woman perfectly. She knew her marriage was in trouble, yet she didn’t know what to do differently. Elizabeth needed Clara, but she didn’t understand it. Clara prayed about mentoring a young woman and she sensed that God’s answer was Elizabeth. Clara reaches out to Elizabeth, not just once but twice in a determined effort to mentor the younger woman. Three things you need to know about this movie: 1.) Your life will be changed by the idea of mentoring The message was relevant, profound, and well told without coming across as preachy. Often I walk away from religious movies thinking the story was forced or the message rushed, but that was not the case with this movie. I loved the characters and thought the writing was very well done. The timing of lines and humor between several characters puts the level of writing in this movie far beyond any other Christian movie I’ve seen. It’s one of the funniest and most entertaining movies I’ve seen in a while. War Room opens in 800 theaters on August 28th. Especially when I heard Beth Moore was in the movie, she is a local gal and I wanted to see it in support of her. We saw Courageous a few years ago, so when I heard the same guys (the Kendrick Brothers) made another movie I was interested. War Room opens this coming weekend (8/28)! Go see it! Opening weekend is the most important weekend to see a new movie.

Christian movies coming out in may 2018